Mission Creek Outreach Services:
EXISTS - To Help People Learn They Are
SENT On God’s Mission
To SHOW His Love,
SHARE His Everlasting Good News,
& SERVE Jesus In Ways That Provide HOPE To A Hurting World
Mission Creek Outreach Services:
Operates several educational opportunities.
Call (360) 875-6052 if you'd like to join us in any of our wonderful retreats, mission trips, bible study training, or educational programs!
Mission Creek Outreach Services:
We are a small team, at a cozy off-grid facility situated near a meandering creek on 40 acres of beautiful old-growth forest just a few miles outside of South Bend, WA.
For over 20 years this place has appealed to those who love the out-of-doors and desire to grow as individuals and leaders.
In the quietness of these surroundings, people can focus on learning essential things God wants to teach us in o...
Mission Creek teaches the study of the Bible in a way that helps each student understand the history and meaning of the text while deepening their rel... Learn more
Students will learn about Washington State history along with the organization of federal and state governments across the nation. History is taught i... Learn more
Our Lord brought you here, now all you have to do is contact us!